Over 38,000 patients supported by walk-in pharmacy service

A self referral minor illness service operated in pharmacies across Cornwall has seen over 38,000 people since its launch three years ago.

Community Pharmacy Cornwall says under the scheme teams offer patients consultations without the need for an appointment or referral from 111 or GPs. Figures show 80% of people were given advice or treatment closing off consultations before leaving the premises. As a result, it says 30,000 GP interactions and 500 inappropriate trips to A&E have been avoided.

The service is particularly beneficial for visitors, with 23.2% of consultations involving people registered with GPs outside Cornwall. 

The service has grown steadily, with consultations increasing by 6,000 annually since its inception:

  • 2022: 6,119 consultations
  • 2023: 12,138 consultations (+98%)
  • 2024: 19,567 consultations (+61%)

Dr Hugh Savage, Chair of Kernow Local Medical Committee, praised the initiative:

"The walk-in consultation service demonstrates the positive impact of local health partners working collaboratively to benefit patients.

"The service supports general practice by offering screening and advice in the community for minor conditions that could take up valuable time at GP surgeries, thereby increasing opportunities for doctors to treat and care for higher acuity and urgent conditions."

Despite its success, Community Pharmacy Cornwall warns the sector faces challenges. Cornwall has seen 15% of its community pharmacies close in recent years due to reduced national funding and continued underfunding risks further closures, with many pharmacies absorbing the costs of providing life-saving medications.

Nick Kaye, CEO of Community Pharmacy Cornwall, highlighted the service’s achievements and called for urgent action:

"Community pharmacies in Cornwall have led the way with our England-first walk-in service. The success of this initiative has inspired the commissioning of the national Pharmacy First service.

"Pharmacy teams across Cornwall should feel proud of their hard work and commitment to patient care. While the sector urgently needs more national investment, we are grateful to our local health system partners for their support of this brilliant service."


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